Friday, September 30, 2005

thought for this day:

on my way out of work today, a coworker asked how the writing was going. i almost turned around and said, 'writing? what writing' then i realized i had stupidly opened my mouth somewhere along the line and let it be known that i want to write (a book a poem a whatever) and now see the fault (or maybe the motivation)...
anyway, i bought a laptop today, will get it soon, and hopefully the next time someone asks, 'hows the writing?" i can respond with something more than a blank stare.

second anecdote of the day: a guy comes in every weekday morning, gets a triple latte no foam and always gives us a hard time. in jest, always, just like today. he hadn't paid yet, and as always: 'what, i have to pay for this?!" i laugh and say, "yea..."
he said, 'geez, you're like a vigilante"... a few moments later with a bundle of ones and change in one hand, latte in the other, he drops a dollar bill in the tip basket and says, "it pays to be a vigilante!"

isn't that something?


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